Serving Your Lobbying Needs For More Than 35 years in Arizona

Photo of Don G. Isaacson
Don G. Isaacson
Photo of Don G. Isaacson and Marie Isaacson"
Photo of Marie Isaacson
Marie Isaacson
Photo of Don G. Isaacson and Marie Isaacson"

Serving Your Lobbying Needs For More Than 35 years in Arizona

Photo of professionals Don G. Isaacson and Marie Isaacson
Don G. IsaacsonMarie Isaacson
Photo of Don G. Isaacson and Marie Isaacson"

Professional Advocacy In The Legislature

The operations of a state legislature is complex. There are the technical, procedural aspects to drafting, introducing, amending, and obtaining passage of issues.

There is the additional complexity of the personality of the House and Senate, the ways in which committees function and how the personality of the individual committee chairs, as well as others within the legislature, can lead to passage or a slow death within a committee or subcommittee.

Understanding this dynamic in combination with your issue and your goals is never simple or straightforward. It is a complex, multi-level chess game, and to be successful, one must understand all these levels simultaneously. This is the job of Isaacson Law Firm, P.C..

A Deep Understanding Of  The Arizona Legislature Process

At Isaacson Law Firm, P.C., we understand how government works – what makes ideas, policy and legislation move forward and what stalls them out. We work with policy experts to ensure that the full picture can be seen by those who have the power to enact change, shut things down or make necessary modifications. You can find out more about the successes we’ve had.

The Toughest Lobbyist to Go Up Against

For more than 40 years, firm principal Don Isaacson has helped a broad base of businesses, institutions and higher educational entities get the exposure and consideration that they needed in order to produce positive change.

He has regularly been named one of Arizona’s top lobbyists and has been nominated 11 years in a row as Arizona’s best lobbyist. He has also been named the “Toughest Lobbyist to Go Up Against.”

Firm partner Marie Isaacson brings more than 30 years of state-level directorship to bear on every issue the firm takes on. Together, we understand the importance of creating and maintaining relationships with policymakers to effect needed change in our state.

When your matter requires knowledgeable handling, turn to us. Join the list of organizations, nonprofits and companies that we have assisted.

Make The Connection

To discuss your lobbying matter with Don or Marie at Isaacson Law Firm, P.C., call 602-274-2200. You can also reach out via confidential email.